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“I recently visited Dr. Fischer’s office for the annual check-up for Jasper, my 5-year-old lab mix. Afterwards, while paying my bill, I was joking with your staff about whether or not Jasper was a ‘bargain’. We all agreed that our dogs are worth every penny. But all joking aside, I need to emphasize that Dr. Fischer’s holistic approach to Jasper’s medical care saved me a lot of money and finally gave me peace of mind. For the first two years of Jasper’s life, he dealt with constant allergies and irritated, bald skin caused by incessant scratching. Every few months, my first vet told me it would be a ‘long shot’ to find the allergy and that it could only be treated by frequent visits and prescriptions for steroids and antibiotics.

I could sense something was not right about this vicious cycle and that my young dog was suffering. My vet bills were mounting and the allergy problem was barely being maintained. With some research, I found Dr. Fischer, who thoroughly evaluated Jasper and began to educate me on ‘finding the root’ of a problem and fixing it, rather than simply treating a problem with medication. Within a few weeks of a new diet and appropriate supplements, Jasper’s symptoms disappeared. It’s true that the food Jasper eats is slightly more expensive than the lower quality diets out there, but that investment has resulted in less vet visits, a visibly healthier and happier dog, and better health as he moves into his senior years!”

Matt M.